- Free 24 hour Wi-fi in a separate room at the centre with washroom.
- Transportation/"Service" to the nearby Tsawwassen Mall (10 mins away)Contact Centre or speak to a Chaplain for availability.
- ride from RB 1 and RB 2 to the Seafarers Centre.
- pool table
- bibles and other Christian literature
- used clothing
- new 'canadian' clothing (jackets, T-Shirts,caps)
- Shop for snacks - cookies, chips, chocolate, drinks, toiletries,souvenirs (magnets, keychains, postcards etc.)
- money transfers to the Philippines
- TV sports, news and more
- free new magazines and used books
- worship onboard at request of crew and permission of captain (please call centre)
- Chaplains visit ships and are available to the crew
- Friendly staff and volunteers are here to welcome you.