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I am so very appreciative to all who donate to support the seafarers at Christmas time be it monetary or in kind.

I heard from one person that they knit toques while watching on TV the Canucks play!

Every dollar, every item is an act of kindest that benefits someone else sometimes for a brief moment and other times it is a real life saver such a warm toque or socks in the coldness of the arctic waters.

The pictures are a sample of donors such as the  'Port Community Liaison Committee of Delta' taken at the Port of Vancouver Community office in Ladner. They have also been collecting sock and toques donated there by the public. 

Toques donated by ILWU 400.

Churches and individuals who have donated many items such as chocolate, toques, socks, magazines, baking, toiletries and more.

I thank them and all who have donated that you may each find blessings in life as you have blessed others namely the seafarers.


Senior Chaplain